Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 4rAgt00006Concept & reviewed by: Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDescribed and narrated by: Ryan Lurchemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2022
Todos los derechos están reservados a los autores: Pamela Morales, Oliver Quintana, Rodemil Medina.Condiciones de uso/Terms of use.
Demonstrative necropsy at Santo Tomas University (Santiago Chile) Vet-Anatomy lab during the regular gross anatomy course. The dog was euthanized in a clinic because a terminal illness with the owner permission, and donated to the lab for scientific and academic purpose. The lungs were insuflated with the help of an air pump connected to the trachea. CODE: 4rAgt00005 Author:Dr. Ismael…
Study of the dissection and cross section of a head of a male pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) Estudio de disección and corte de una cabeza de cerdo macho(Sus scrofa domesticus). Download this presentation Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 4rAgc00002 Authors: – Dr. Suraj Kumar skumar346@gmail.com – Yolmari Cruz (Undergraduate Student) Institution: Saint Matthew’s University, School of…
A euthanized cat was donated to Anatomy lab. The epoxy resin was injected in the trachea of the intact animal body. The cat was frozen for 48 hrs. After the thaw the trachea and thoracic organs were obtained. A corrosion cast using potassium hydroxide (KOH) was performed. Download this presentation Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 9cAgt00001 Authors: Meylin Ubilla…
https://youtu.be/KOn1VoAotVk Cartílagos laríngeos del equino. La pieza anatómica fue obtenida de un caballo macho proveniente de un frigorífico local. Fue fijada en formol 5% y disecada en varias etapas hasta obtener los cartílagos (Cartilagines laringis) articulados entre si. La pieza fue deshidratada y glicerinada. Se tomaron fotografías digitales las cuales fueron utilizadas para la confección de la presentación. Equine larynx cartilages.…
Ventral left view of the neck/ Vista ventral izquierda del cuello CODE: 3Agce00011 sternothyroideus thyroidea cranialis thyropharyngeus ( Mm. constrictores pharyngis caudales) mandibularis linguofacialis thyroidea [thyreoidea] cranialis longus capitis longus colli Arteria carotis communis Truncus vagosympathicus omohyoideus (sectioned and reflected) Esophagus/ Pars cervicalis Truncus trachealis Trachea / Pars cervicalis laryngeus recurrens Glandula thyroidea sternohyoideus Author: Dr. Ismael Concha A./status: V.M.Professor…
Ventral left view of the neck/ Vista ventral izquierda del cuello CODE: 3Agce00010 Author: Dr. Ismael Concha A./status: V.M.Professor at UST/e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2009
Ventral left view of the neck/ Vista ventral izquierda del cuello CODE: 3Agce00009 Author: Dr. Ismael Concha A./status: V.M.Professor at UST/e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2009
Ventral left view of the neck/ Vista ventral izquierda del cuello CODE: 3Agce00008 Author: Dr. Ismael Concha A./status: V.M.Professor at UST/e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2009