Tag : 3Agce00011

Neck of the goat/ Cuello de la cabra

Ventral left view of the neck/ Vista ventral izquierda del cuello CODE: 3Agce00011 sternothyroideus thyroidea cranialis thyropharyngeus ( Mm. constrictores pharyngis caudales) mandibularis linguofacialis thyroidea [thyreoidea] cranialis longus capitis longus colli Arteria carotis communis Truncus vagosympathicus omohyoideus (sectioned and reflected) Esophagus/ Pars cervicalis Truncus trachealis Trachea / Pars cervicalis laryngeus recurrens Glandula thyroidea sternohyoideus Author: Dr. Ismael Concha A./status: V.M.Professor…