02- Universidad Santo Tomás. Chile


Morphological examination of the right and left coronary arteries of a male canine (Canis lupus familiaris), the aorta was injected with epoxy resine and immerse in 20% of KOH solution for 48hrs. under direct observation to release and debridae muscular and fat tissue. Terms of use of this work / Send your work Image 1. Left view of a cast of the blood vessel of the canine heart. Image 1.…

Inervation and veins of pelvic limb of Cougar (Puma concolor)

Descripción Anatómica de Inervación y Drenaje de Miembro Pélvico del Puma (Puma concolor) Macho adulto (3 años). Vista lateral de region femoral derecha (M. biceps rechazado). Técnica: Repleción y disección Download this presentation Terms of use of this work / Send your work V. safena lateral/ V. saphena lateralis [parva]. NOTE: was accidentally colores with red latex; 2. Rama muscular de…

Dissection of superficial areas of parotid, cervical, scapular and brachial regions of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris). Right lateral view

Disección de perro macho (Canis lupus familiaris), regiones parotídea, cervical, ecapular y braquial vista lateral derecha. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:3Agcem000012 Authors: Dra. Marlys Jara. mijavet@gmail.com Srta. Evelyn Alarcon. e.m.a.p@hotmail.com Tutor: Dr. Ismael Concha: globalanato@gmail.com Institution: Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago. Chile year: 2011 Language: Español, Nómina Anatómica Veterinaria This article was evaluated by: Dr.…

expo.anato BuinZoo

Anatomy exhibition at BuinZoo, Santiago Chile. CODE: 0Agb0003 Author:Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution:Veterinary Anatomy, Santo Tomas University Santiago, Chile. Year: 2011

Dog Necropsy- lungs insuflation

Demonstrative necropsy at Santo Tomas University (Santiago Chile) Vet-Anatomy lab during the regular gross anatomy course. The dog was euthanized in a clinic because a terminal illness with the owner permission, and donated to the lab for scientific and academic purpose. The lungs were insuflated with the help of an air pump connected to the trachea. CODE: 4rAgt00005 Author:Dr. Ismael…

Plastination Lab. at UST Santiago Chile

Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 9pAgb00001 Institution: Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria, Universidad Santo Tomás UST Santiago, Chile.  www.anato.cl year: 2005-present

Splenic segmentation in pig (Sus scrofa domestica) by diafanization.

ESTUDIO DE LA SEGMENTACIÓN ESPLÉNICA EN PORCINOS (Sus scrofa domestica), MEDIANTE EL MÉTODO DE DIAFANIZADO. Se practicó repleción con látex a treinta bazos de cerdo, para posteriormente ser sometidos al proceso de diafanizado con hidróxido de potasio KOH y glicerina (método de Dawson).  Los órganos fueron divididos en tres grupos: grupo A: 10 bazos provenientes de animales menores de 60 Kg. de peso…

Injection of epoxy resin and corrosion cast of cat’s lungs

A euthanized cat was donated to Anatomy lab. The epoxy resin was injected in the trachea of the intact animal body. The cat was frozen for 48 hrs. After the thaw the trachea and thoracic organs were obtained. A corrosion cast using potassium hydroxide (KOH) was performed. Download this presentation Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 9cAgt00001 Authors: Meylin Ubilla…

Canine neopallium (neocortex)/ Neopalio Canino.

Neopalio de canino macho (Canis familiaris). Vista rostrodorsal. Técnica: Fijado en Formol 20% y conservado en alcohol/glicerina. Neopallium of male dog (Canis familiaris). Rostro-dorsal view. Technique: Fixation in 10% of formalin, and preserved in alcohol/glycerin. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6cAgc00003 Author: Dr. Paulo Salinas/ email: salinas.paulo@gmail.com http://anatomiavet.blogspot.com Institution:Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad Santo Tomás, www.anato.cl Year: 2007…

Mesencephalon & Diencephalon of a dog brain

Vista medial de corte sagital de perro macho (Canis familiaris). Fijado en Formol 20% y conservado en Alcohol/Glicerina. Medial view of a sagittal section of a male dog brain (Canis familiaris). Fixed in 20% of formalin and preserved in alcohol/glicerin.   CODE: 6cAgc00002 Author: Dr. Paulo Salinas/ email: salinas.paulo@gmail.com  http://anatomiavet.blogspot.com  Institution:Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad Santo Tomás, www.anato.cl Year: 2007 See more about…