6p-Peripheral NS

Dog skull and mandible foramina related with cranial nerves

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 1Agc00007Concept, objectives, video editing & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDescribed and narrated by: Mark Neidert & Lakota Heltonemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2024

Dog pelvic limb nerves

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media.  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6pAgm200002 Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDissected and described by: Michael Foget & Nicole Mauroemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2023

Dog thoracic limb innervation

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media.  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6pAgm100005Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDissected and described by: Michael Foget & Nicole Mauroemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2023

Imágenes Capítulo II. Anatomía Comparada y Aplicada de Bovinos y Equinos. Ediciones UST.

Todos los derechos están reservados a los autores: Pamela Morales, Oliver Quintana, Rodemil Medina.Condiciones de uso/Terms of use.

Left Digit of horse thoracic limb

Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6pAgm100005   Authors: Dissection: Amanda Rockcastle & Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Plastination: Dr Robert Henry Labeling: Matthew Tichy & Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Images modification: Benjamin Concha-Martinez & Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine Lincoln Memorial University year: 2019

Construcción de un macromodelo didáctico de la Fosa Pterigopalatina y su contenido Parasimpático

Construcción de un macromodelo didáctico de la Fosa Pterigopalatina y su contenido Parasimpático Se manufactura un macromodelo didáctico que reproduce artísticamente la Fosa Perigopalatina derecha y  los elementos Parasimpáticos que contiene utilizando material desechable. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 9mHgc00002 Author: Dr. Manuel Jeria Ibarra. email: manuel.jeria.ibarra@gmail.com Institution: Universidad Santo Tomás, Viña del Mar. Chile year:…

Inervation and veins of pelvic limb of Cougar (Puma concolor)

Descripción Anatómica de Inervación y Drenaje de Miembro Pélvico del Puma (Puma concolor) Macho adulto (3 años). Vista lateral de region femoral derecha (M. biceps rechazado). Técnica: Repleción y disección Download this presentation Terms of use of this work / Send your work V. safena lateral/ V. saphena lateralis [parva]. NOTE: was accidentally colores with red latex; 2. Rama muscular de…

Dissection of superficial areas of parotid, cervical, scapular and brachial regions of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris). Right lateral view

Disección de perro macho (Canis lupus familiaris), regiones parotídea, cervical, ecapular y braquial vista lateral derecha. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:3Agcem000012 Authors: Dra. Marlys Jara. mijavet@gmail.com Srta. Evelyn Alarcon. e.m.a.p@hotmail.com Tutor: Dr. Ismael Concha: globalanato@gmail.com Institution: Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago. Chile year: 2011 Language: Español, Nómina Anatómica Veterinaria This article was evaluated by: Dr.…

Pig anatomy / Anatomía del cerdo

Study of the dissection and cross section of a head of a male pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) Estudio de disección and corte de una cabeza de cerdo macho(Sus scrofa domesticus). Download this presentation  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:  4rAgc00002 Authors: – Dr. Suraj Kumar skumar346@gmail.com – Yolmari Cruz   (Undergraduate Student) Institution: Saint Matthew’s University, School of…

Nerves of the brachial plexus in the goat

Medial view of goat thoracic limb / Vista medial de miembro torácico de cabra Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6pAgm100002 Author: Lindsey Franz and Jodie Rhoades / status: Veterinary students Advisor: Dr Terri Clark and Dr Ismael Concha email: franz.lindsey4@gmail.com Institution: Anatomy Lab./ Oregon State University/ Corvallis, OR, United States of America Language: English…