Year: 2010

Dog Necropsy- lungs insuflation

Demonstrative necropsy at Santo Tomas University (Santiago Chile) Vet-Anatomy lab during the regular gross anatomy course. The dog was euthanized in a clinic because a terminal illness with the owner permission, and donated to the lab for scientific and academic purpose. The lungs were insuflated with the help of an air pump connected to the trachea. CODE: 4rAgt00005 Author:Dr. Ismael…

Estudio Comparativo de la Morfología Macroscópica Externa de Encéfalos en Especies de los Cinco Grupos de Vertebrados.

Vista dorsal Comparativa de la Morfología Macroscópica Externa de Encéfalos en especies representativas de los Cinco Grupos de Vertebrados. Oryctolagus cuniculus, Rattus norvegicus,Gallus gallus,Liolaemus fuscus,Caudiverbera caudiverbera,Trachurus symmetricus murphyi,Homo sapiens sapiens,Bos taurus Trachurus symmetricus murphyi (jurel) Calyptocephalella gayi (sapo chileno) Liolaemus fuscus (lagartija oscura) Gallus gallus (gallina) Rattus norvegicus (rata) Oryctolagus cuniculus (conejo) Bos taurus (bovino) Homo sapiens sapiens (humano) Terms…

Dissection of human ear / disección de oido humano

Terms of use of this work / Send your work External Auditory meatus / conducto auditivo externo Tympanic Membrane (Pars tensa) / Membrana Timpánica Umbo Tensor tympani muscle / Musculo Tensor del Tímpano Tympanic Cavity / Cavidad Timpánica Internal Auditory meatus / Conducto Auditivo interno Cranial nerve VIII / Nervio cranial VIII / Nervio Vestíbulo-Coclear Vestibule / Vestíbulo Oval window…

Inguinal triangle / Triángulo inguinal

Disección de triángulo inguinal en humano. Dissection of a inguinal triangle in human. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:  3Hga00001 Author: Wilson R. Veras Tavarez – Institution: Universidad Central del Caribe, Bayamón, PR year: 2009 Also posted in:

Pig anatomy / Anatomía del cerdo

Study of the dissection and cross section of a head of a male pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) Estudio de disección and corte de una cabeza de cerdo macho(Sus scrofa domesticus). Download this presentation  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:  4rAgc00002 Authors: – Dr. Suraj Kumar – Yolmari Cruz   (Undergraduate Student) Institution: Saint Matthew’s University, School of…

Chilean frog skeleton/ Esqueleto de rana Chilena

Chilean frog (Calyptocephalella gayi, former Caudiverbera caudiverbera) Se realizo un estudio osteológico descriptivo en 3 ranas chilenas (Calyptocephalella gayi ) Download this presentation  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 1Agb00006 Authors: Diego Jara Silva /Assistant/  email: Advisor: Dra. Viviana Contreras DVM Institution: Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología year: 2009 See more about this topic. Related…

Plastination Lab. at UST Santiago Chile

Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 9pAgb00001 Institution: Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria, Universidad Santo Tomás UST Santiago, Chile. year: 2005-present