13-1 head/ cabeza

Dog encephalon, general view

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work/ Send your work CODE: 6cAgc00005Concept, objectives, video editing & reviewed by: Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDescribed and narrated by:Mark Neidert & Lakota Heltonemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2024

Dog skull and mandible foramina related with cranial nerves

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 1Agc00007Concept, objectives, video editing & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDescribed and narrated by: Mark Neidert & Lakota Heltonemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2024

Dog Masticatory muscles

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Described and narrated by: Andrea Crickard email: globalanato@gmail.com Language: English year: 2021  

Dog Facial muscles

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Described and narrated by: Tara Fellows email: globalanato@gmail.com Language: English year: 2021 TN

Dog skull and mandible/ general concepts

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 1Agc00006 Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Described and narrated by: Micaela Chaffin email: globalanato@gmail.com Language: English year: 2021      

Dissection of superficial areas of parotid, cervical, scapular and brachial regions of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris). Right lateral view

Disección de perro macho (Canis lupus familiaris), regiones parotídea, cervical, ecapular y braquial vista lateral derecha. Download this presentation Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:3Agcem000012 Authors: Dra. Marlys Jara. mijavet@gmail.com Srta. Evelyn Alarcon. e.m.a.p@hotmail.com Tutor: Dr. Ismael Concha: globalanato@gmail.com Institution: Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago. Chile year: 2011 Language: Español, Nómina Anatómica Veterinaria This article was…

Comparative and descriptive study of dog skull (Canis familiaris) and human skull (Homo sapiens) Osteology.

Se utilizaron 3 cráneos de canino (Canis familiaris) de tipo mesocéfalico, procedentes de cadáveres donados por miembros del taller de preparaciones anatómicas (TPA) de la Escuela de Medicina, de la facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Guayaquil, los cuales se sometieron a los procesos de osteotecnia utilizados en nuestro taller, entre ellos, métodos de limpieza, blanqueamiento y acabado. También…

Canine neopallium (neocortex)/ Neopalio Canino.

Neopalio de canino macho (Canis familiaris). Vista rostrodorsal. Técnica: Fijado en Formol 20% y conservado en alcohol/glicerina. Neopallium of male dog (Canis familiaris). Rostro-dorsal view. Technique: Fixation in 10% of formalin, and preserved in alcohol/glycerin. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6cAgc00003 Author: Dr. Paulo Salinas/ email: salinas.paulo@gmail.com http://anatomiavet.blogspot.com Institution:Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad Santo Tomás, www.anato.cl Year: 2007…

Mesencephalon & Diencephalon of a dog brain

Vista medial de corte sagital de perro macho (Canis familiaris). Fijado en Formol 20% y conservado en Alcohol/Glicerina. Medial view of a sagittal section of a male dog brain (Canis familiaris). Fixed in 20% of formalin and preserved in alcohol/glicerin.   CODE: 6cAgc00002 Author: Dr. Paulo Salinas/ email: salinas.paulo@gmail.com  http://anatomiavet.blogspot.com  Institution:Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad Santo Tomás, www.anato.cl Year: 2007 See more about…

Irrigación de encéfalo canino con repleción con látex

Artery supply of canine brain with latex injection.       CODE: 6cAgc00001 Author: Dr. Paulo Salinas/ email: salinas.paulo@gmail.com  http://anatomiavet.blogspot.com  Institution:Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad Santo Tomás, www.anato.cl Year: 2009 See more about this topic. Related links: Estudio Anatómico Comparado de las Arterias de la Base del Encéfalo del Pudú pudú (Molina, 1782) y del Bovino  Absence of carotid rete mirabile in small tropical ruminants: implications for…