Tag : 3Agm1

Extrinsic muscles of the canine thoracic limb

Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 3Agm100020  Authors: Dr. Ismael Concha: Dissection, painting and plastination: email: globalanato@gmail.com Dr. Robert Henry: Collaboration in plastination TA. Molly Addison: Labeling Institution: Lincoln Memorial University / country USA Year: 2017 Language: English      

Intrinsic muscles of the canine thoracic limb

Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 3Agm100019 Authors: Dr. Ismael Concha: Dissection, painting and plastination: email: globalanato@gmail.com Dr. Robert Henry: Collaboration in plastination Tas. Molly Addison; David Alexander & Shayla Saulsbury: Labeling Institution: Lincoln Memorial University / country USA Year: 2017 Language: English                            …


CONSIDERACIONES ANATÓMICAS SOBRE LA MUSCULATURA INTRÍNSECA DEL MIEMBRO TORÁCICO DEL PUMA (Puma concolor) link to full text   CODE: 3Agm100018 Authors: *Ismael Concha; **Luis Adaro; *Cintya Borroni & *Cecilia Altamirano * Anatomía Veterinaria Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile.  ** Anatomía Veterinaria Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias, Santiago, Chile. e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl  Institutions: Unidad de Anatomía Veterinaria. Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago Chile. www.anato.cl Facultad de…

Membrum thoracicum-dissection of manus/cabra / goat.

MIEMBRO IZQUIERDO / LEFT LIMB VISTA DORSAL / DORSAL VIEW CODE: 3Agm100016 Author: Ismael Concha/status: V.M. Professor / e-mail: globalanato@gmail.com Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2008

Membrum thoracicum Illustration of manus /cabra / goat.

MIEMBRO IZQUIERDO / LEFT LIMB VISTA DORSAL / DORSAL VIEW CODE: 3Agm100015 Author (dissection & drawing): Ismael Concha/status: V.M.Professor / e-mail: globalanato@gmail.com Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2008

Membrum thoracicum. Dissection VISTA CAUDO MEDIAL /cabra / goat.

MIEMBRO IZQUIERDO / Left limb. Dissection VISTA CAUDO MEDIAL / CAUDAL MEDIAL VIEW CODE: 3Agm100014 Author: Ismael Concha/status: V.M.Professor / e-mail: globalanato@gmail.com Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2008

Membrum thoracicum /cabra / goat.

MIEMBRO IZQUIERDO / LEFT LIMB VISTA CAUDO MEDIAL / CAUDAL MEDIAL VIEW CODE: 3Agm100013 Author (dissection & drawing): Ismael Concha/status: V.M.Professor / e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2008

Membrum thoracicum /cabra / goat.

MIEMBRO IZQUIERDO / LEFT LIMB VISTA CAUDO MEDIAL / CAUDAL MEDIAL VIEW   CODE: 3Agm100012 Author (dissection & drawing): Ismael Concha/status: V.M.Professor / e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2008

Membrum thoracicum /cabra / goat.

MIEMBRO IZQUIERDO / LEFT LIMB VISTA CRANEO LATERAL IZQUIERDA / LEFT CRANEAL LATERAL VIEW   CODE: 3Agm100011 Author: Ismael Concha/status: V.M.Professor / e-mail: iconcha@ust.cl Institution: Anatomy Lab./ College of Veterinary Medicine www.oregonstate.edu/vetmed/ Oregon State University www.oregonstate.edu year: 2008