13-6 pelvic limb / Mb. pélvico

Dog pelvic limb vessels

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media.  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 5aAgm200001Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDissected and described by: Michael Foget & Nicole Mauroemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2023

Dog pelvic limb nerves

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media.  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 6pAgm200002 Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDissected and described by: Michael Foget & Nicole Mauroemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2023

Dog genual (stifle) joint

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media.  Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 2Agm200001 Concept, dissections & videos by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-AlbornozDescribed and narrated by: Shaun Chaffins & Faith Dummemail: globalanato@gmail.comLanguage: Englishyear: 2023

Dog Pelvic limb muscles and joints

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE: 3Agm200017 Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Described and narrated by: Tara Fellows, Kayla Medlin, Heather Davis, Mary Corella & Andrea Crickard email: globalanato@gmail.com Language: English year: 2021      

Dog Pelvic Limb Bones

DO NOT share, publish or embed the video in other webs or social media. Terms of use of this work / Send your work CODE:1Agm200001 Concept & reviewed by:  Dr. Ismael Concha-Albornoz Described and narrated by: Tara Fellows, Mary Corella, Kayla Medlin, Andrea Crickard & Micaela Chaffin email: globalanato@gmail.com Language: English year: 2021